Who may have put it into his backpack is not important - the important thing to me is that it has been returned.
Tomorrow is our biennale celebration at HSSS please see the notice that went home tonight - I realize perhaps a bit too late for some but even a box of Timbits would be a nice addition to our pot luck - it is meant mostly to be symbolic of all different types of 'Cultural' food
For example (even though it is a bit out of season) I will be contributing some Scottish shortbread - not the haggis that I had originally planned!! Lol
Cynthia, our native support worker has agreed to bring her drum and do a Native blessing for us as well as bake us some bannock tonight
A letter went home tonight regarding the possibility of one day of camp being affected by escalating job action - when we know more, we will be much more specific.
We all had class year end photographs taken today and the annual panorama - it was organized chaos!!
No school Friday or Monday - Victoria day long weekend already (where does a the time go?)
Our day
Grecian Odessey day # 4 today we 'visited' the temples and scared site called Delphi in the middle of nowhere in Greece - this is the place that they Greeks deemed to be the centre of the earth at the time of the Ancient Greek civilization
It was also the place many years ago that some of my students complained that they were getting tired of seeing 'rubble' ! Sheesh!
Guess that is a teenage take on ancient ruins.
We then continued to work on the activity that asked students to identify various food items with their countries and continents - it was fun watching the students map out where certain capital cities were (their clue for the food). We have a huge worldmap at the front of the class and they swarmed around it and helped each other discover places that they had 'never heard of' !
Math 6 and 7 were a bit interrupted by the photo sessions outside in the sun but we still managed to review and correct the translations sheet from yesterday - we managed to recap 5 main ideas that we learned about translations (slides)
Then we worked on our projects until time for the whole school panorama photo just before lunch
Read to self time allowed me to catch up with my students who have just returned from a couple of weeks away.
For Phys Ed. We opened the back door and had three different sessions (thanks, Cynthia) one was floor hockey, badminton and outside with the frisbees and basketball
Back in class we watched 15 minutes of a BBC programme that showcased the city of Athens and discussed the birth of theatre on the back of democracy. I enjoyed hearing the students identify the places in the video from the recent slide show -that was the point. Yay, some thigs are getting through to the hormonal brain :)
All in all a productive day.
Have a wonderful evening
Mrs. J.
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